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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki

Loly Aivirrne (Achrones150)/Tropes is an article created by Achrones150. Use is allowed with the permission of the owner, with the exception of collaboration-created articles.

This page lists tropes associated with Loly's character.

  • Absolute Cleavage: When she's in her default uniform.
  • Adaptational Badass: She's nothing less than a schoolyard bully in the canon universe. This version is an Espada and a very dangerous fighter.
  • Adaptational Heroism: From minor villain to supporting hero, though it does nothing to shake her character.
  • Action Girl
    • Dark Action Girl
  • Butt Monkey: Loly seems to have a history of having bad things happen to her - at least, physically. There was the moment with Grimmjow and Yammy, followed by the brutal interrogation by former Espada De Soto, followed by the curb-stomp battle she suffered at the hands of Magatta Keiryō. She does get better, though.
  • Creepy Good:
  • Girl With Psycho Weapon: Loly's is a knife.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Subverted. You'd think that Loly would be more angry and hostile towards Genjo Diablo due to his insulting attitude towards her. Such is not the case (although she is a rather hot-blooded individual nonetheless).
  • Hidden Depths: Despite her brash exterior, Loly is quite capable of tact, strategy and intellect.
  • Holier Than Thou: Hates this attitude, something which puts her at odds with Genjo's belief of the Espada Afilado being gods.
  • Jerk With A Heart of Gold
  • Kick Chick: Prefers unarmed fighting most of the time.
  • Little Miss Badass: She's the "youngest" out of the Espada and just as competent in combat as her veteran counterparts. This is particularly demonstrated in her second fight with Magatta.
  • Minor Major Character
  • One of the Boys: Most definitely.
  • Sadist: When she delivers what appears to be her first critical blow to Magatta, she's a little bit more than happy.